What do I need to know...
Welcome to Delph and Denshaw Village Page
Welcome to athletes, parents and coaches to Team Delph and Denshaw's Page. We look forward to seeing you at our training sessions throughout the summer.
Whether you are a reigning champion, or taking your first steps into a new sport, Team Delph & Denshaw promises a summer of fun.
Keep up to date with us on our Facebook group (Delph and Denshaw - SVO Group), or email us with any questions (delphanddenshawolympics@gmail.com).
Unlike in prior years, registration will now be done centrally through this website. Please follow the registration link here or from the menu above.
Once you have registered yourself you will be sent an email with a link to add tickets for each child you want to participate.
It will also be free to register this year as trial. We ask that people make a voluntary donation based on what they can afford.
Upon registration completion you will be sent a list of links for the various training groups that will be run through an app called Spond. You may already use this for other sports clubs. If not please register and download the app here.
Training sessions will be added to Spond and you will have the options to accept or decline. Don't worry if you can't do them all, just do as many as you can manage.
How can I get involved?
If you are a parent, grandparent or just have some spare time then come and help your Village team. We always need help with coaching and looking after teams. If you want to join us please get fill in this brief form and someone will get back to you: